Alfried Greifswald · Martin-Luther-Strasse 14 Email
Monday, 7 Februar 2011 · 19:30 clock - Alfried Krupp Fellow Lecture
"woman in front of the Rising Sun" or "woman in front of the setting sun"? Is there a "correct" interpretation of the images Caspar David Friedrich?

Professor Dr. Reinhard Zimmermann
In the Caspar David Friedrich's research will be fought not only over again about the interpretation of individual images, but there are also two mutually exclusive views on the question over whether it is for the works of the artist at all Greifswald can give a "correct" interpretation. While Helmut Borsch-Supan, author of the catalog of works of painting, the answer is yes, other researchers understand Frederick's importance as open images of art, which may not be set to clear statements. The painting "Woman in front of the setting (or rising?) Sun" is for discussion of this issue suitable. This speech will not only answer the question of the proper interpretation of this picture, but also look into the background of the still ongoing controversy.
Reinhard Zimmermann (born 1952 in Kamenz) is a lecturer in art history at the University of Trier. His work focuses are works from the Romantic and Modern, with a focus on the works of Caspar David Friedrich and Wassily Kandinsky, which he analyzed in art theory and aesthetic issues. He also deals with architectural and historical themes, especially in the castle building and landscape design. Professor Dr. Jens E. Olesen:
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