Monday, January 26, 2009

Catch Phrase For Party Invitationn

The Ten Commandments for dealing with e-mails

E-mail is today for many people, the communication medium number 1 Much of what was previously notified by letter, fax, phone or in person, is now sent by e-mail.

same time, however, e-mail is the biggest source of disruption, inefficiency and waste of time. This must not be. With a few tricks can be overcome as:

first You shall write a subject. The subject should summarize the e-mail ("meeting on 29.1.2009 possible?") And not only describe (Release Proposal ").
second You shall e-mail at the end to read and correct all spelling errors.
third You shall not use templates with background color, different fonts and other unnecessary HTML.
4th Thou shalt the "Copy To:" field to use as little as possible. If you already used, then each receiver explicitly explain why he receives the e-mail, and what to do with it.
5th Your signature should not be longer than the e-mail. Let supposedly witty sayings and teachings of unauthorized disclosure, and the like away. Whether such an instruction has any legal effect, is already controversial.
6th You shall mark an e-mail never as important. That no one believes you anyway.
7. You shall not post any mass mailings.
8th And you shall certainly not all recipients of the messages in the mass: Pick-To field. If anything, take it as a "blind copy" button.
9th The inbox is no to-do list, but a point of entry. Use it as such are completely empty it regularly. Is completely empty.
10th You should know exactly why you write an e-mail if an e-mail really the best way for your message is.

bonus bid: Delete the default action. It is applicable to any e-mail.


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