Monday, September 1, 2008

Baby Cold Treat Choking On Phlegm

result-oriented thinking

question: If you specify major projects, define project goals and then the final result exactly? Describe precisely - either in the project title or description - such as the target, or even appear to be "unexpectedly fantastic success"?

you do not, you may go over the most powerful agent that helps you achieve your goals and dreams: your brain . Do not do this regularly, your mind gets to the sidelines. Here, this will help you to achieve all your goals.

The project aim to make visible
Many years ago told me David Allen that he for his first book - the best-selling - Getting Things Done (How to get Things Done) is the first planned to write the Wall Street Journal-criticism in his book itself, "in advance" . He wrote the book review as he wished that they should be published. He did this even before he had written the first chapter of his book. For many years I had written my projects in past tense - as if they were "done" and it helped me this "done" or consider "finished" as a goal. I found that David's example of writing a formal critique about his book project was very clever and that it represented an excellent way to visualize, so I recorded it myself.

My personal use
When I started, my own GTD-training - ProWork - to develop, I followed David's advice and wrote my own criticism. I decided to combine the product in a sentence.
The most succinct criticism that I could write (after numerous repetitions, as amended) was the following: "ProWork: Work efficiently to the Getting Things Done" method. This has not only helped me stay motivated, but it has also helped me to define the spirit of the finished product, how it works would like people would use it and how it would improve their ability to get things. As with David my writing has helped the criticism, I draw a clear picture of how this would be "finished" look.

you know how this "done" looks like?
If you do not know when a particular task is "finished", you will not only be unable to know when you are done, but it will also miss the right help with your most valuable and reliable source - your brain.

How does it work? produced
my experience writing down my project definitions in regard to their objectives, a cognitive dissonance between what I have defined it as done and the present reality. Whenever I read the project list (or in my case, I look at the product logo and tagline), does my brain subconsciously decide whether it agrees to the installation. It does this - great! I'm done. If not, it is a commonly or more things to do that I need to implement the statement in the deed.

An integrated personal success coach
It's pretty easy to take your brain in right to determine the next steps you on the way need to take aim: everything you need to do is to make a precise statement of objectives and to read them. Your brain will decide on the spot, whether the statement is true or not. It can tell you: "Hey, well done." Or it can say. "Hey, the list is not quite right, because this or that is not yet completed," If this is the case, you simply enter all your attention has attracted on an appropriate list and act accordingly. Within a short time you will do things that match your target and reach your goals.

This task, starting with the end result in mind, was a great way that helped me in my decision process much. Whenever I had to make this project a decision - whether in terms of design, architecture, function, program or financial plan - I asked myself, "What decision can I make that approached me bring you closer to the two targets I have set?" In the past there were times when I wanted to get the current project, just in the bag and bring out the product - although it is not the criteria for my project was able to meet target. So we were waiting, and waited, and continued to work, we learned, and refined - until we got there, where we are today.
I would encourage you, think about it, create one or more targets for each of your main projects.

Did you decide to do this, please send me a comment and let me know how your brain works as a personal success coach. I think the result will amaze you.


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