The announced some time ago Balance Live client for the iPhone is available.
Offering the GTD compliant task management through the iPhone Application Store.
For more information: http://www.llamagraphics.com
Therefore, it is matter how stunning your website looks if you do not have good, clear version, the basic needs of your readers respond - and easy to read is.
Is not your site with good text, you do not really have a web page (the exception would apply only to visual artists). Websites express what is important for you (and, you at least hope for the visitors to your page). If you have nothing to say why then need a website?
But the kind how you say something can be just as important as what you say. Your Schreibton and style can be as much about what you like the topics you cover. With ProWrite / Skriborik ® we learn, and immediate-effects.com we try to be friendly and entertaining and write so as we speak. If you read the text, it's more than you would a friend say something instead of an expert who tries to tell you not understand relationships.
How to bring about this magic, if you are only 26 letters of the alphabet available? Where catch on to you? you should not start with a blank page before you are afraid, but with the information you already know - the reason why you write: What want to contact you? Something ? Sale Inform? Inspired? Call to action? Once you have the reason why you write clearly indicated to help this process continue so.
A note on computers and writing: I think a lot of writing using the computer. Computers can not write for you (and those of us who earn their living writing, hoping that they can never be!), But they are excellent tools to organize your Thoughts, for accelerating your letter, and to simplify your corrections. Do you think people do not say that you can not write with the computer. The computer is only a tool - it will not block your creativity, but instead removes a lot of boredom, you could be in your way.
Step 1: What do you want to achieve?
The first step is to create a list of things you want with your written Text to achieve. Be specific. Write general. Think of as many things as possible - collect ideas. This can be entire lists or arbitrary ideas. Do not bother to arrange this. You will have no trouble with spelling, punctuation or grammar. Write your ideas on easy - as many as you can.
you do not keep them from writing down an idea because you think it might "sound stupid" or because you are afraid that someone might make fun of it. Besides, no one has to see you get this list. People discard good ideas often because they think they are too obvious or too stupid or that someone else already had these ideas. Correct is not yet to help you lose any good ideas.
Once as many ideas as possible are collected (and remember: You can always add things later when you come to mind), it is time for another list . create
Step 2: What would REAS, the reader?
wants the reader to know "what me comes out," not "what you come out it." You have to sell a product or a service, and readers these, however, purchase only if it brings something them. Saving money and time are "normal things" that provide most of the products or services - you need to express something that is more accurate.
Start with how the "basic needs" reveal - how will your product or service a person happier? "My house is old and sad - I wish someone would come here and make sure that it again looks beautiful." Or, "My last vacation was a nightmare. I hope that someone is planning perfect vacation for me "or" I want to show my friend my friend how much I him / her love . What can I do? "Or" I hate my job, I can not help someone to find one that makes me fun? "
you can imagine your readers as characters in a play. Imagine how they live and think about it, where you fit in. or your product could do to improve life - you can hold on another list.
Step 3: Check your features and benefits are
There is a reason why lists of "Special and work performance "- because a Feature never know enough. The readers need to know why each feature is important for them. For you this may be obvious - but it can also be something that the reader has never considered. Here's an example:
Other examples: "Our people have already traveled the world - so you know first hand which hotels are good and which not - so to ensure that you always get the best hotel "or" Our flowers are flown in fresh daily -. so you have a great selection and nothing is ever out of season "or" We do not develop things. to even win prizes for it, but we develop them so that you can profit from it "
. Step 4: Organize your thoughts (based on an outline )
OK, now you have three lists: what benefits you want to benefit from the project, like what benefits the reader from the project, and the features and benefits of your product or service. What now?
Now it is time to arrange . One of the most common mistakes people make, concerns scattered and undirected information. The Order of your information can solve these two problems at once - it will help you find the focus that will give your letter structure.
Today most processors have a outline feature. Fortunately, this feature is not like the boring elements that you had to do in school. It is instead a simple function that makes fun and the Order of your letter as easy as dragging the mouse (and the use of your mind - so we hope). divide
order your text into headings, you can drag the text up and down, your entire highlight text and select Heading 1 from your toolbar. Go in the Outline mode (usually in the View menu). There you will see little minus sign next to each point. The minus sign indicates that this point no text "under" has (like a paragraph under a heading). Once you begin to arrange the points and to create a hierarchy ("Here is the main theme and the idea is to then ..."), plus sign next to those issues that still have further points among themselves.
journalists are taught that they should represent the main elements of the article to the beginning. There are two reasons: First, readers may not want to read the entire article. Therefore, they want the reader to get important information first - just in case they stop reading.
The other practical reason is that articles often have to be cut to fit into a given space. They are thus reduced from below, where the least important points are. Because there on the web - as opposed to printed matter - lots of space There, you have to reduce your writing is not so likely. However, it is a good idea to place the most important information above. Some Web experts say that less is more when it comes to texts on the Web. We agree with the immediate-effects.com not be. In our opinion, more content, more depth and detail. However, the Web should make sure that pages can not be too long. Therefore, it is better to work with links, where text can be found after the child groupings. If you are the "less is more" but agree, then it will be easier to shorten your text if you put your most important information to forefront.
When finished, use a few headings 1 have (your main topics), each of which should be several headings 2 have (sub theme) and each can multiple headings 3 have. Feel You are not obliged to complete all six levels are sufficient for usual three.
What have you noticed all the time might not, is that the structure have created your document - the skeleton. Now that you have your headers, you simply have to fill the gaps - write something on every subject under the respective heading.
applies here again: you are not correct. Just write. Do not dwell too long on one point. If you do not know what to say, go easy. You can later change or add something. Write as much or as little as you want. The more you write, the more you have to edit afterwards - more is not necessarily better. You want to make your points of view of course. Do you have achieved this, stop writing. If you want to fill the gaps, it is possible that you change your layout or even rearrange - you do so.
Now that you have everything written, it is time for the text to . edit This is the part that most people do not like, because you believe that what you wrote is perfect. That's usually not - even experts spend lots of time with editing.
Before you start correcting, should Save your file under a new name. How it is your first draft in correcting not lost. You might want to still refer to something in the first draft. However, if you saved a copy, this design is lost.
It's a good idea, a copy of your written word to one or more persons to pass on their writing skills you admire. Or the ones can either read the printed text or they can read it electronically and using the features of word processing software "changes" and "comment" to make observations, so as you would on paper would do.
When someone gives his written remarks, you still look at the following day, where you get it. Set it aside and then take not make changes because you are not with the majority of the comments disagree, because you still have the enthusiasm of what you wrote. Look at the comments at the next (or on the next) day. By the time they will begin to get a certain validity.
Here's my personal rule about comments by other: If you tell a person something and you disagree, you can ignore it. If you have two people saying the same thing, you should seriously think about what was said. If you have three people saying the same thing, you should make the change to either of your or his genius impassioned .
This course is based on that you have given your records the right people. Indeed, it is very easy to find three people who do not know what you're talking. In that case, it does not count - even if they agree!
There are some things that make the rewriting. One possibility is to your manuscript aloud and record it with a tape recorder.
Many people mistakenly believe that they have to write differently than they talk . While this is true in some technical or academic few cases, is "perfectly correct" Written and often sounds stilted (ie it is harder to read, because fewer people read it, so it fails its purpose, what does it do?).
If you want your writing is easy to read, you should conversational or active Leave . Thus the written word for the reader "sounds" like you would talk directly with them. Your writing sounds stiff, you put it in the head and simply say it out loud. Write it then. If you want to use a tape recorder and said exactly the type from Sun Even this small step is your Leave improve enormously.
An additional benefit of reading aloud your text is that you find the same error rates correspond to no sense, ideas are not clear or thoughts that wander.
Whenever possible, you cut out everything is not important. Sure you want your writing as short and sweet as possible.
Guess what is effective - what most people understand. To also increase the readability of their texts. Lofty words do not impress people, they only confuse.
Go back end in the Outline view and make sure that your structure still makes sense. If it does not refer to your interim title in the list up or down - the text of which will be moved automatically.
letter should not be hard
Some people are afraid to write. Maybe this is due to the bad experiences they have done in school (or because their mothers were afraid of newspapers, while they were still in the womb). Whatever the reason may be for you overcome it.
They need not be anxious when you know what you mean. Share it simple and write it down then. It may be that simple.
Find the end someone you trust, let him to read what you wrote and let you give yourself friendly, constructive feedback . Do not let someone you know is unfriendly, or that you get someone who will not read your texts. The one who will only hurt your feelings, thereby ensuring that you never want to write again. Come negative comments about your writing, try to ignore them.
you can it! Why do not you try to write something? Start right at that.
The network is for all those interested in productivity issues publicly. In addition, there is such a social network built with forums, blogs and video entries. Here you will find much about GTD, David Allen of videos with tips on how to set up their Outlook for GTD effective.
On immeff.ning.com is in the menus in English, where contributions are also written in German. Welcome!
Note: There is always somewhere
someone with a worse job than yours!