"Anything but effective," writes you work around the Heruasforderungen in our everyday life, with all of the same high standards of incoming communications Parallel Media.
Calls Yet in our daily lives yet to be calm and confident results are very much out. " Flexible situational and act " is the challenge we then have to teach us, according to Mrs Hildebrandt Woeckel.
I can not agree more. But how to do it then?
First, it is almost impossible to list all the activities of our communication in professional practice is created and be read simultaneously but keep in mind if this is always something new and as discussed in the article, much is happening at the same time.
Second, we can not so much keep in mind. welcome to our short-term memory is not easy. On average, we can keep without special methods only 5 "elements" in the head. The time is a factor. After 1-2 minutes we've forgotten about it. do
So what if the phone rings and a new email with the ominous "red" indicating response to urgent, red lights Blackberry (new message) and tell me someone Anchattet same time?
The solution I've found is very simple.
- always take a short note on the moment where the "processed" just received. It may be only a pair of support action words
- Go on in what you have just worked with and trust quiet that once you're done, your notebook up again to open the "processed" back to the idea.
- Soon you're finished with your task, look at the note and consider short: "What solves the acts or for a "next step" for me "?
- After you have chosen this next activity, take it in your ToDo list, or wrote it into the calendar.
- Now look at your ToDo list and decide to use for what is most important at this moment and kill it.
It makes sense to divide the ToDo list into categories, especially if the list already have more than 15-20 entries. Categories include telephone calls, by a PC at home, traveling, etc. This makes life scary, because each category (or both combined) for a particular tool or Locality stands.
"Flexible situational and act" is what comes of it! This approach is also fully consistent with David Allen's method of "Getting Things Done" (GTD). The book can be found at Amazon and is highly recommended. Of course, we all still have to complete some, but that would break the frame here.
A good blog can be found here: http://lebensberatung.blog.de/2007/09/21/endlich_den_kopf_frei_kriegen ~ 3017091
Further, the company offers "immediate effects", the seminar "All done?" In German also to the GTD methodology provides a very practical near. More info here: http://www.immediate-effects.com/Training_BusiSim.aspx?language=deu