Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Hair Treatment Older Dry Hair

On the setting is "to act flexibly and according to circumstances" to

A new book by Prof. Carol Dweck Mindset: The New Psychology of Success describes an experiment that the connection between the personal attitude and success is obvious.

In itself this is a truism, but which one should always bear in mind. There are people
have the best equipment, training and opportunities that others only the right attitude and have the will to succeed. The latter clearly achieve more and grow beyond themselves.

Would now a good opportunity to review their own attitude?

Friday, October 12, 2007

Long Labias Streching


In the article "Too many balls in the air" (Sabine Hildebrandt Woeckel, Oct 6, 2007) on the topic FAZ multitasking is handled very well.

"Anything but effective," writes you work around the Heruasforderungen in our everyday life, with all of the same high standards of incoming communications Parallel Media.

Calls Yet in our daily lives yet to be calm and confident results are very much out. " Flexible situational and act " is the challenge we then have to teach us, according to Mrs Hildebrandt Woeckel.

I can not agree more. But how to do it then?

First, it is almost impossible to list all the activities of our communication in professional practice is created and be read simultaneously but keep in mind if this is always something new and as discussed in the article, much is happening at the same time.
Second, we can not so much keep in mind. welcome to our short-term memory is not easy. On average, we can keep without special methods only 5 "elements" in the head. The time is a factor. After 1-2 minutes we've forgotten about it. do

So what if the phone rings and a new email with the ominous "red" indicating response to urgent, red lights Blackberry (new message) and tell me someone Anchattet same time?

The solution I've found is very simple.
  1. always take a short note on the moment where the "processed" just received. It may be only a pair of support action words
  2. Go on in what you have just worked with and trust quiet that once you're done, your notebook up again to open the "processed" back to the idea.
  3. Soon you're finished with your task, look at the note and consider short: "What solves the acts or for a "next step" for me "?
  4. After you have chosen this next activity, take it in your ToDo list, or wrote it into the calendar.
  5. Now look at your ToDo list and decide to use for what is most important at this moment and kill it.

It makes sense to divide the ToDo list into categories, especially if the list already have more than 15-20 entries. Categories include telephone calls, by a PC at home, traveling, etc. This makes life scary, because each category (or both combined) for a particular tool or Locality stands.

"Flexible situational and act" is what comes of it! This approach is also fully consistent with David Allen's method of "Getting Things Done" (GTD). The book can be found at Amazon and is highly recommended. Of course, we all still have to complete some, but that would break the frame here.

A good blog can be found here: http://lebensberatung.blog.de/2007/09/21/endlich_den_kopf_frei_kriegen ~ 3017091

Further, the company offers "immediate effects", the seminar "All done?" In German also to the GTD methodology provides a very practical near. More info here: http://www.immediate-effects.com/Training_BusiSim.aspx?language=deu

Saturday, August 11, 2007

How Do I Get A Replacement Car Title In Pa Fast?

Links for Personal Productivity Getting Things Done

Here is a link list with many good links to English language websites about personal productivity:

http:// www.mallosworld.co.uk/organize-it/2007/07/02/huge-list-of-gtd-productivity-sitesblogs/

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Mesa Formula Preamp For Sale

conquered seminars

In this autumn of the seminar organizer RedEd first time Getting Things Done seminars under the title Seminar "All done? " offer. I will recommend this seminar in cooperation with ie - hold immediate effects.

The seminar is open to all persons increase their personal effectiveness and their tasks as clear and efficient to manage . The seminar explains the Getting Things Done by David Allen concept for effective task and time management. Furthermore it is also a long-term strategic goal and task planning.

learns in 1 1 / 2 days to understand the concept and the daily workflow. After the seminar, each participant will receive about 1 / 2 hour phone coaching. After 1 month there is a follow up training in the practical implementation of results and further possibilities are discussed.
This seminar demonstrated increases your personal productivity !

Here you can log on.

Be there!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Do You Feel Wet Before Period

"Getting Things Done" A new and better time management method of the world.

More efficiency through better time management.

you leave the office with the intention to do five small things - to pick up a prescription at the pharmacy, buy some food for the evening and, on the way out to stop by your colleagues on the ground floor, to ask what the appointment next week. So far everything is okay, but ... On the way to the pharmacy phone rings. Contact your sales representative says there is no tomorrow but the appointment with the customer - Date postponed to next few Wednesday. Sure, no problem. Actually, hang up you want, but the staff told yet how well today's date went. Meanwhile you are thinking - what I wanted to buy on the way?

burden too many tasks
All the errands, tasks and information rapidly becoming the head - we need a new system for self-organization. "Getting Things Done" - or short GTD - is such a system. More and more managers swear now to the method. The David Allen twenty years developed organizational system is therefore as good as it gets everything out of your head, what else you try to keep in mind, and it just then remembered brings when it is needed. The days are gone when you had to constantly think of matters in the head a hundred times a day: "Next Monday, the report should be finished, and I have to ..."

What distinguishes GTD from other methods?
"The ability, in these fertile but turbulent times, successful, relaxed and confident to be, requires new ways of thinking and working." (David Allen) Traditional Time Management seminars focus on special equipment, software or scheduling systems, and overall results and values, which is certainly a crucial exercise. But that does not mean that to do less would be less or challenges were overcome, so that work gets done. On the contrary, it only increases the use in the game, which continued to play every day-be, and increases the workload.

has in our new culture of knowledge work is still something missing: a system in itself with a consistent set of behaviors and tools that works at the level where the work actually takes place. The stress experienced by most people is, for the most part from the inappropriate handling of obligations they impose on themselves or take over. GTD is a method that allows a particularly high degree of flexibility and freedom. GTD provides a practice of thinking and organizing, which works universally and effectively, no matter what it is addressed. It is left to the left, with which devices or systems he wants to implement the principles of GTD supportive.

No priorities
The main difference between GTD and other self-organizing systems, the consistency with which the head is emptied to make room for the essentials. In contrast to other methods is what GTD not about to set priorities and decide what is more important and less important. Instead, following procedure is recommended:

  1. hold the activity or the activity that takes your attention at that moment, in writing.
  2. Describe thereafter in a single sentence, which you expect positive results for it.
  3. Note the first physical action that you think is necessary to advance the matter.
    What looks at first a lot of work but is very simple: instead of thinking about the matter even explain what actions after.

Have won

  1. your mind can now let go of the matter in earnest.
  2. you know exactly what to do next.
  3. hold it in action a To Do List set that is based on the context in which it can be done.

These next steps are what you have in your Outlook who want to manage Filofax or other "personal information management" system (PIM). This ensures that you are first able to survey your work situation, because you know exactly to all of your affairs, what scope of work is involved. Second, you no longer run after your affairs, but are really the master of your work situation and can react quickly and flexibly to any change. And third, your mind writes from the matter, knowing that they are now in good hands is.

are several steps needed to accomplish your business? Then you have to do, according to David Allen with a project. A project is simply a concatenation of acts that eventually leads to the desired result. There are again in GTD remedy. Projects can be managed as easily as individual steps. For projects an overall planning level is drawn, by the prosecution on all further steps, dependencies, supporting materials, etc..

context-related work
The flexibility of GTD is based largely on the fact that actions are controlled and that they always be held in the context in which they are executed. An example: In order to finish writing the report, you first need to collect data. This calls for a conference call with the controlling, sitting on the figures. What do we do? First, we put a reminder in the Li-te "phone calls" with a due date, which should comfortably before the due date of the report.

The list of telephone calls may include both professional and private phone calls. The important thing is that you know how many phone calls you need to organize your daily priorities then new one. Other such lists can do at home, at work, meetings, shopping and much else to be - individually tailored entirely to your work environment.

to handle quickly and easily
The nice thing about GTD is that the triggering information carrier can be used very often as a reminder for the next step. In Outlook and other PIM electronic systems, you can lis-ten result as new categories to the email in it, that is a task for me to sit as a reminder. The result is not necessarily a burden of it, but a relief as I work through my emails quickly and efficiently by the above scheme of thought. How to GTD Outlook works, you can also read here .

Upcoming Courses from immediate effects

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Cooking Lazanga With Tin

The great opportunity

Austrian TV is switched to digital. So all TV consumers the ORF1, ORF2 and ATV received to date via antenna can, in a few weeks or months to receive anything. Remedy the DVB-T box.

But wait! Before you upgrade to digital reception, even superior to the following:

How much time do you spend per day watching TV?
1h, 2h, or more? The
Average Austrians in 2002, spent about 142 minutes per day watching TV (source CSF) is the rising and will likely already be at about 170 minutes, which is almost 3 hours!

What could you start with 3 hours per day of your life if you could make it more active?
How might this affect your goals and your future?

Before you buy so your Freeview box or your satellite receiver to convert digital to make the following experiment. Let get digital TV without converting. Wait at least 2 weeks before making it technically and watch how their lives changed. It is
test the great opportunity to live without television .

Review and Tell us about your experiment.